Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Praise the Lord

Well, Josiah and I have some great news! The Lord has been faithful and provided us with nearly all the money we need for our trip. Over the weekend the Father provided all but $625! It has been incredible to see Him at work for us, and it has been awesome to journey with Josiah on this adventure of faith. With just over two weeks before we leave, I have no doubt that the Father will provide all that we need.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Extra Info

Ok, so thanks to some keen eyes I have realized that the dates that we are going to be in the Philippines are not in any of my previous posts. So, the dates we will be travelling are May 15th to the 30th. The rest of the team will be there until the second of June, but since that is my convocation date, Josiah and I are coming back early to attend (even though we will most likely be very jet lagged!). Also I thought it might be a good idea to let people know how much money we have raised and how much more we need to raise.

A good friend of mine once told me that a journey of faith is made cheap if all we do is tell about all the miraculous moments that the Father does for us without the details on the gritty moments that produced the faith it took to get to those great moments. That had me thinking that perhaps this journey of faith that my son and I are on is one that could be shared among many, and not just to ourselves. So, as I mentioned in our first blog, we felt that the Father wanted us to go on this trip back during the Christmas season and decided in faith to commit ourselves to that end. Not really knowing the dates or what would be required of us, either in time or finances, we embarked on preparing our hearts as much as we could. Having a toddler and an infant at home as well as a full course load and tutoring at the University has not afforded me a whole lot of time to garner the support that we have needed, and at times I have found myself in tremendous anxiety about whether or not we heard from the Father correctly. But, every time I begin to feel that way He always comes in reassurance that going on this trip is part of His desire for our journey together as a father and a son. It began with the generous gift of one of our tickets being purchased on our behalf. This to me was a major miracle! Then as the weeks have gone by, little by little, the Father has been pouring in His support for us, and always just at the point of my own anxiety.

I cannot help but be reminded of James 1:17 that reads "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows." His gentle reassurances along the way have been a constant reminder of His unfailing love, of the fact that He does not change like the shifting shadows of this world. As we come closer to our travel date I know that Josiah has had his own anxieties about being able to go, and just like the Father has for me, He continues to prove Himself unchanging to Josiah. My only hope is that I can do offer the same reassurances. That I might be able to coach him in the way of faith; in the way of the Father.

As it stands now our journey is far from over as we continue to seek the Lord to raise the funds we need. At present we have been blessed with one ticket and raised approximately $800.00, and are in need of roughly $2200.00 more. But, for me, the last five years have been a journey of faith in seeing the Father provide time and time again wondrously and miraculously for our family, and from where I sit at this moment I do not doubt His ability to provide for us now. My hope is that as we move towards the travel date I will be able to help Josiah see firsthand, the ways in which our heavenly Father takes care of our needs. But more than that, I hope that Josiah will see that the Father loves all His kids and will go to great lengths to show them His love for them. My prayer is that Josiah and I will be a representation of the Fathers love to the people of the Philippines.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Great Support & Wonderful Community

Thanks to everyone who came out to support the team yesterday. We were a little worried that with our spring rain...I mean snow, that numbers for the fundraiser were going to be low. But we filled just about all of the nearly 160 seats in the gym. Also I want to give special thanks for all the help that we had in putting this together.

After giving some personal reflection to fundraisers I began think about it from the other side (as is often my role) where participants come and volunteer or support by attending. I've always believed in supporting missions trips and missionaries but, since being a student, have had little resources to offer and so thought little of my own contributions. At times, I have even questioned their value, as in my opinion, they have been miniscule. After putting one on with a team with whom I am personally traveling however, my feelings have changed. The simplest of tasks performed by the remotest of people in my personal sphere have borne tremendous gratitude. The feeling of community one gets from a scenario like we had yesterday is surprisingly overwhelming. The sense of camaraderie palpable. We came away tired from hours of effort, but full of love.

So to those who have supported don't discount your efforts as minuscule or meaningless, as I have in the past, but know that what you contribute in whatever way you can, fills the hearts of those you are sending.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So we got our vaccinations tonight and Josiah was extremely brave. When asked who wanted to go first he jumped to it and told the pharmacist he would go first. One shot in each arm. He had plenty of questions about the vaccinations, and I answered them as best I could. So it looks like we're good to go now, at least from a health perspective.

Bagong Silang

A documentary being made of one of the areas in the squatter village of Bagong Silang.

Giselle H Santos from 50mmprime on Vimeo.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spaghetti Luncheon

So we are well into the planning for our trip now. This Sunday, April 17, we will be having a spaghetti luncheon to raise support. So if you are available come out to River of Life Church after our 10:30 service and partake in a great lunch for a great cause.
ps. if there are any helpers out there we could use it.

Thanks a bunch!

We Can Do No Great Things, Only Small Things With Great Love

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matt 25:40)
Over the Christmas season our family spent time in prayerful consideration of a trip to the Philippines this coming May. As a result, at this time we feel that it is a good opportunity for Josiah and I to make this trip.
Some of our activities on this trip will include working with children and families in in the squatter villages. Assisting in the feeding and clothing of up to 650 children, as well as taking the children for a special trip to treat them to a day of activities, fun, and care. Furthermore, we will be providing support and encouragement to the staff at each location we go to. The two organizations that we will be cooperating with are Philippine Frontline Ministries in San Pablo city, and New Hope to Asia in Cainta.
As we prepare for this trip, we are in need of support for the various aspects of the trip required for us to go. The most obvious of our needs are financial to cover such needs as vaccinations, flights, and money to buy medications needed by the Filipino people for the most basic of health needs. While we have managed to raise some of the money, our most current expenses require about an additional $3oo0. Any support is appreciated. For those in the local area of Lethbridge, we are offering yard cleaning, pet waste removal, or other labours of love around the yard to raise support. One of Josiah's ideas is to collect any bottles and cans that you may have. Once again, we are willing and able to work in an effort to raise support and are appreciative of any and all support.

A Word from Josiah:
"I want to go because I'll get to experience how people in the Philippines eat, sleep, and live. I'm excited to travel with some of our friends and my dad on a long plane ride, and so far I'm nervous about that. But I think It'll be fun, and there will be hundreds of kids there that I can meet. I hope that you can help me and if you do, I'll appreciate it a lot. Also for those who live around us I am willing to do odd jobs or collect bottles to raise money."