Monday, April 18, 2011

Great Support & Wonderful Community

Thanks to everyone who came out to support the team yesterday. We were a little worried that with our spring rain...I mean snow, that numbers for the fundraiser were going to be low. But we filled just about all of the nearly 160 seats in the gym. Also I want to give special thanks for all the help that we had in putting this together.

After giving some personal reflection to fundraisers I began think about it from the other side (as is often my role) where participants come and volunteer or support by attending. I've always believed in supporting missions trips and missionaries but, since being a student, have had little resources to offer and so thought little of my own contributions. At times, I have even questioned their value, as in my opinion, they have been miniscule. After putting one on with a team with whom I am personally traveling however, my feelings have changed. The simplest of tasks performed by the remotest of people in my personal sphere have borne tremendous gratitude. The feeling of community one gets from a scenario like we had yesterday is surprisingly overwhelming. The sense of camaraderie palpable. We came away tired from hours of effort, but full of love.

So to those who have supported don't discount your efforts as minuscule or meaningless, as I have in the past, but know that what you contribute in whatever way you can, fills the hearts of those you are sending.

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