Thursday, April 21, 2011

Extra Info

Ok, so thanks to some keen eyes I have realized that the dates that we are going to be in the Philippines are not in any of my previous posts. So, the dates we will be travelling are May 15th to the 30th. The rest of the team will be there until the second of June, but since that is my convocation date, Josiah and I are coming back early to attend (even though we will most likely be very jet lagged!). Also I thought it might be a good idea to let people know how much money we have raised and how much more we need to raise.

A good friend of mine once told me that a journey of faith is made cheap if all we do is tell about all the miraculous moments that the Father does for us without the details on the gritty moments that produced the faith it took to get to those great moments. That had me thinking that perhaps this journey of faith that my son and I are on is one that could be shared among many, and not just to ourselves. So, as I mentioned in our first blog, we felt that the Father wanted us to go on this trip back during the Christmas season and decided in faith to commit ourselves to that end. Not really knowing the dates or what would be required of us, either in time or finances, we embarked on preparing our hearts as much as we could. Having a toddler and an infant at home as well as a full course load and tutoring at the University has not afforded me a whole lot of time to garner the support that we have needed, and at times I have found myself in tremendous anxiety about whether or not we heard from the Father correctly. But, every time I begin to feel that way He always comes in reassurance that going on this trip is part of His desire for our journey together as a father and a son. It began with the generous gift of one of our tickets being purchased on our behalf. This to me was a major miracle! Then as the weeks have gone by, little by little, the Father has been pouring in His support for us, and always just at the point of my own anxiety.

I cannot help but be reminded of James 1:17 that reads "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows." His gentle reassurances along the way have been a constant reminder of His unfailing love, of the fact that He does not change like the shifting shadows of this world. As we come closer to our travel date I know that Josiah has had his own anxieties about being able to go, and just like the Father has for me, He continues to prove Himself unchanging to Josiah. My only hope is that I can do offer the same reassurances. That I might be able to coach him in the way of faith; in the way of the Father.

As it stands now our journey is far from over as we continue to seek the Lord to raise the funds we need. At present we have been blessed with one ticket and raised approximately $800.00, and are in need of roughly $2200.00 more. But, for me, the last five years have been a journey of faith in seeing the Father provide time and time again wondrously and miraculously for our family, and from where I sit at this moment I do not doubt His ability to provide for us now. My hope is that as we move towards the travel date I will be able to help Josiah see firsthand, the ways in which our heavenly Father takes care of our needs. But more than that, I hope that Josiah will see that the Father loves all His kids and will go to great lengths to show them His love for them. My prayer is that Josiah and I will be a representation of the Fathers love to the people of the Philippines.

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