Monday, April 11, 2011

We Can Do No Great Things, Only Small Things With Great Love

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matt 25:40)
Over the Christmas season our family spent time in prayerful consideration of a trip to the Philippines this coming May. As a result, at this time we feel that it is a good opportunity for Josiah and I to make this trip.
Some of our activities on this trip will include working with children and families in in the squatter villages. Assisting in the feeding and clothing of up to 650 children, as well as taking the children for a special trip to treat them to a day of activities, fun, and care. Furthermore, we will be providing support and encouragement to the staff at each location we go to. The two organizations that we will be cooperating with are Philippine Frontline Ministries in San Pablo city, and New Hope to Asia in Cainta.
As we prepare for this trip, we are in need of support for the various aspects of the trip required for us to go. The most obvious of our needs are financial to cover such needs as vaccinations, flights, and money to buy medications needed by the Filipino people for the most basic of health needs. While we have managed to raise some of the money, our most current expenses require about an additional $3oo0. Any support is appreciated. For those in the local area of Lethbridge, we are offering yard cleaning, pet waste removal, or other labours of love around the yard to raise support. One of Josiah's ideas is to collect any bottles and cans that you may have. Once again, we are willing and able to work in an effort to raise support and are appreciative of any and all support.

A Word from Josiah:
"I want to go because I'll get to experience how people in the Philippines eat, sleep, and live. I'm excited to travel with some of our friends and my dad on a long plane ride, and so far I'm nervous about that. But I think It'll be fun, and there will be hundreds of kids there that I can meet. I hope that you can help me and if you do, I'll appreciate it a lot. Also for those who live around us I am willing to do odd jobs or collect bottles to raise money."

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord!! We will journey with you through prayer and I know God will use the two of you to do mighty things! You can also have all our bottles - we have about a dozen bags!
    May God's blessings be poured out on the pair of you and through you!

    Christine xo
