Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Baptism and an adventure with sidetracks

Well it's currently 12:30 am Wednesday morning and after a couple of unexpected days in Vancouver we are now sitting in the waiting area for our flight to the Philippines.
Our adventure began with an amazing momentous occasion as on Sunday I had the honor of assisting in Josiah's baptism. Getting to share in this occasion was beyond words for me, but one I will never forget as it is a milestone in my son's journey with the Father. It made my wife and I think of the time when Jesus was baptized and his Father was there to mark the occasion with a pronouncement over him. Jesus was launched from that moment into his ministry life and it was sealed by the Holy spirit.
When we baptized Josiah, I too had the wondrous opportunity to pronounce blessing over him and, with our mission team leader Alan, was able to pray for the baptism of the Holy spirit over him. Our journey couldn't have been launched any better. But, as with all journeys we take with the Father, it never works out as our limited vision causes us to believe it will and often we wind up in unexpected places.
As we arrived in Vancouver ready to make our connecting flight to Taipei, Josiah and I encountered a problem that would cause our journey to take us to just such an unexpected place. Since my passport did not have more than six months left on it before expiring, I was denied entry to Manila by their customs office and forced to remain in Vancouver until I was able to renew my passport. While Josiah left the terminal with me quite disappointed and exhausted, I had the opportunity to explain to him that when the Father calls us on an adventure we have to be open to where he will lead us as He knows what our hearts need even more than we do. I explained to him that we need to trust his plans for our adventures. Stuck in the airport lobby without anywhere to go, I immediately called my brother, who lives in the lower mainland, and within no time we were at his house and in good company.
What's amazing about this little rabbit trail is that the Father knew exactly what both Josiah and I needed. I had said, only just days before I was preparing to leave, that I was missing my brother and wanted to try and reconnect with him. The Father heard that desire and gave me just that opportunity. It was great to see him and spend time with him. Times I have missed from our early childhood days thqt we had rare occasion to share as adults. We were able to share laughs, tell stories about our children and share in deep and meaningful conversation; all moments I will cherish as a gift from the Father. Not only did I get to share in this gift, but the Father also gave me the gift of seeing my son's heart delight in His goodness (He always knows what our hearts delight in). With the extra time we had in Vancouver I had the privilege of taking Josiah to Science World and the Vancouver Aquarium. It was great to watch him move from exhibition to exhibition as his youthful curiosity about the world we live in was tantalized by nature's beauty and the amazing gift the Father has bestowed upon us in the creative discoveries made by the world of science. The Father, knowing the disappointment of His son provided a gift that would serve to show His incredible goodness towards us.
In the end, my passport renewal was expedited in timely fashion with the support of friends and family in both prayer and word, and now we press on to the Philippines where I'm sure more adventure awaits us.


  1. Great post love, I'm so glad you guys had time with Justin.

  2. Thank you for sharing. What a great story! I'm looking forward to reading more.
