Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So we had our last meeting about the trip to the Philippines and I thought I would share our itinerary so people will know where we will be and when.
We'll be leaving Lethbridge on Sunday the 15th at 6:30 to arrive to the airport for our flight which leaves from Calgary to Vancouver at 11:00 PM. Then we change flights in Vancouver and our plane to Taipei boards at 1:55 AM for a 13 hour flight. From there we transfer to a two hour flight to Manila where we arrive at 9:35 AM local time on the 17th of May. We'll have a few days in Manilla to get organized and most likely visit the squatter village near to where we will be staying. On the Friday we'll participate in a home group meeting, and then on the Saturday we'll participate in a kid's ministry and on Sunday we'll participate in church and Sunday evening the youth events. Then on the 23rd we head out for a retreat that we will be helping to put on for the children's ministry there for three days or so before we transition to San Pablo for a youth convention where we will be assisting as well until the 28th. Then we leave on the 30th to come home.

All in all it looks like we'll be having a whirlwind of a stay in the Philippines. I'm looking forward to what the Father will show us while we are there.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun....we will be praying for you all!! :)
    Bonnie & Lowell Meznarich and boys!
