Sunday, May 22, 2011

Superkids as promised

So I'm not sure if I'll have an internet connection when we are camp and I don't want to forget the events of the weekend here so I thought that I had better write another blog about the Superkids program here at New Hope. But before I do that it is probably a good idea to tell you some of the history about it as told to me by Pastor Ding.
As he tells it to me, when he and Mona took over New Hope they didn't really have much of a passion for the kids ministry as we have the privilege of seeing it now. But as Ding tells me it was around Christmas time several years ago that it started. Every Christmas the kids from the squatter villages make their way out into the main streets knock on the windows of the vehicles and sing carols for the drivers in the hopes of collecting a few pesos. Ding felt challenged by the Lord to do something about this and so he and Mona decided to invite the kids from the local squatter villages to come for a Christmas party and only expecting about fifty kids (only really prepared for 100) they had over 500 children come for the Christmas party. From that one party was sparked Superkids. Now years later the program is run by some of the very first young people that they reached out to plus so much more. Every Saturday they feed anywhere from 350 to 500 kids and had to stop advertising because their facilities couldn't accommodate the numbers.
Ding, Mona, and the volunteers here at New Hope feed the poor on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. During the beginning and middle of the week they go to various squatter villages, and the remaining days they feed children and youth right here at New Hope. First for superkids on Saturdays, and then at the Sunday evening youth church. Also, they run a school for kids in K-3 and each year they hope to add another year because they have a desire to see these kids lifted out poverty and see that a powerful tool for that is through an education that is better than the one public schools here offer. Right now they are in the process of negotiating for land across the street so they can build more classrooms for the children.
My heart is broken for these kids, and for the work that Ding and Mona do here. Surely they will be among the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, for they are truly the servants of the least, and by doing so they serve us all. Please pray for New Hope that the Lord will bless all that they do here, and that they will have favour in their endeavours. If anyone is deserving, it is them.

I am truly humbled by the way in which they serve.

1 comment:

  1. What an encouraging story Shawn. I can see how you would be humbled to be able to witness these people serving others in such an awesome way. God wants you to know that He is just as proud of you for raising and serving your own family. That is no less important than the work that these people do in the Philippines. :)
    I love you guys!
